Posts tagged #contemporary art
Misty Morning

Misty Morning

11×14 oil on linen

I painted this at the Master Garden center in Granbury back in November. Rain was in the forecast and we actually called it off. My friend, Bonnie was already there, so I joined her. We found cover and enjoyed the gray morning. It really makes the colors pop!

This is available for purchase at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Fall Branch Journey

Fall Branch Journey-SOLD

30×24 oil on canvas

This was inspired from painting on location. This location is minutes from my house and a hidden gem. I wanted to recreate the calming time spent painting there. I used a palette knife, adding texture and depth focusing on the blues of the water. I love the ever changing flow of a small creek.

This is available for purchase Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. If there is a painting that speaks to you, please let me know how I can assist you.


Perfect Conditions

Perfect Conditions

10x10 oil on linen

I met up with friends to paint along the shores of Lake Benbrook. The landscape is transforming with a variety of color and texture. It was a perfect morning with mild conditions and cooler temperatures.

This is available for purchase at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Airfield Falls

Airfield Falls

14x7 oil on canvas

We’ve had cooler temperatures and some rain last week. I took advantage of this and joined other artist at Airfield Falls trail. This is on the east side of Navel Air Station JRB in Ft. Worth. This is Tarrant County’s largest natural waterfall and a beautiful setting for a morning of painting.

This is available for purchase Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. If there is a painting that speaks to you, please let me know how I can assist you.


Warm Celebration

Warm Celebration


I am participating in a group show , “Summer State of Mind” located at the Shanley House in Granbury, Texas.

The reception is this Saturday, June 29th 5-8 pm. The show hangs until July 9. It is filled with talented artist that are members of Lake Granbury Art Association.

I started this painting in my garden last year and finally finished it up in the studio. I am showcasing paintings are are filled with texture and dynamic color that communicates my joy of my summer state of mind. Please join us and meet all the artist at our reception, .

This is available for purchase

Sheri@SheriJonesart.com Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. If there is a painting that speaks to you, please let me know how I can assist you.


Sunlit Reflections

Sunlit Reflections

12x12 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

I continue to be inspired with the koi fish and reflections created in the water when the sun is out. Inspired from painting on location at Chandor Gardens and taking the time to study their shape and movements is so beneficial. Working in the studio gives me the chance to explore the color and shapes.

This is available for purchase at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Spring's Impasto Impressions

Spring’s Impasto Impressions

20x24 oil on canvas

I found this patch of cactus in my sister’s neighbor. I had to turn around and get a better look at these blooming cactus. I delighted in find the array of color choices in this subject.

This is how AI describe this painting:

Experience the vibrant beauty of nature with this stunning landscape oil painting of blooming cactus. The colors and textures come alive, bringing a sense of joy and tranquility to any space. Let the blooming cactus inspire you to embrace the beauty that surrounds us and brings a touch of nature into your home.

Reading a computer generated description of my artwork has given me new insight to my work. I can see where this technology can be beneficial to the artist.

To purchase or see more Dutch Art Gallery

http://www.SheriJonesArt.comSheri@SheriJonesart.com Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Hidden Garden

Hidden Garden

11x14 oil on linen
I had the wonderful opportunity to paint during the Historic Ft Worth Hidden Garden Tour in Ft. Worth. The weather was picture perfect and the home was fabulous! This painting sold . To see other paintings available.
Http:// Sheri.Jones75
Thank you for your interest in my art. Let me know if I can assist you.

Vibrant Strokes

Vibrant Strokes

14x11 oil on canvas

I created this at Lake Granbury Master Gardens while the poppies and Iris’s were is full bloom. The colors were vibrant and eye catching.

I am painting today at Hidden Gardens of Fort Worth Tour! Explore five enchanting gardens in Bellaire and Overton neighborhoods.100% of proceeds from the Hidden Gardens of Fort Worth Tour benefit preservation programs at Historic Fort Worth, Inc.

For additional information, visit the event page or email or call 817.336.2344 x100

Available at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Lush Landscape

Lush Landscape

9x12 oil on canvas

Image driving up on a field of wildflowers and trying to capture the excitement on canvas. The fields are alive with color this spring. The blue bonnets were slowing fading making room for the yellows in this lakeside scene. I painted this a couple of weeks ago and finally touched it up and signed it.

Available at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Garden Blue Entrance

Garden Blue Entrance

12x9 oil on canvas

This painting was created at Chandor Gardens in Weatherford. The morning was overcast and kinda dark in this location. The a green lantern light fixture illuminated the scene in a soft, warm glow. I enjoyed highlighting the contrast between the cool blue door and the warm tones of the flowers. The overall effect is one of a cozy, inviting entrance.

Available at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Holiday Park Wildflowers

Holiday Park Wildflowers

11x14 oil on canvas

I met up with my artist friends to paint at Holiday Park on Benbrook Lake yesterday. The hills and surrounding landscape are dotted with wildflowers. There are still some blue bonnets with the reds and yellows starting to show. It really is a beautiful area this time of the year. I wanted to show the hazy light we were dealing with on this painting.

Available at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Blue Inspired Landscape

Blue Inspired Landscape

11x14 oil on canvas

I met up with a group of friends to paint the fading fields of blue bonnets. We have a favorite spot on Benbrook Lake that has a lovely field of spring flowers. It’s always a delightful experience to be outside painting with friends.

This is available for purchase Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Lily Life

Lily Life

My wonderful husband knows I love to receive flowers on Valentines Day. He is fateful in this annual tradition. This is a still life from a past Valentine’s Day arrangement. I started a still life series working in acrylics last year. It was a fun challenge.

I will have this and a variety of paintings at a Pop Up Show with Heron House Gallery, March 9th. Save the date and watch for more details to follow. Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Saucer Magnolia Light

Saucer Magnolia Light

8x10 oil on linen

Are you always eager to see the first sign of spring? I know I am and always on the look out.

Seeing the saucer magnolia blooms indicate warmer days are ahead. This tree was at the Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens and always a bloom this time of the year. Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art.

Please let me know how I can assist you.


Sun Dappled Azalea

Sun Dappled Azaleas 16x20 oil on canvas

We attended a wedding in the Japanese Gardens in Ft. Worth. We arrived just as the sun was setting and casting a golden light on everything. This was in early March, so a lot of the spring bushes were in bloom. It was a magical walk through the gardens to join the wedding party. 

This painting is available for purchase.

Valentine flowers that never fade.


Sheri@SheriJonesart Sheri.Jones75


Ballon Celebration

Ballon Celebration

16x16 acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

This painting is part of the “Splash of Red Show” with Lake Granbury Art Association.

Painting this felt like a celebration and brought happy thoughts to my heart. I hope it brings inspiration and joy to your life.

There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people-Vincent Van Gogh

Available at Shanley House with Lake Granbury Art Association or Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art.

Please let me know how I can assist you.


Striking Autumn LIght

Striking Autumn Light

8x10 oil on linen

I am constantly on the lookout for interesting shapes and color. I study light and patterns the shadows makes. The image for this painting was filled the elements I like to include in painting. This was inspired from a walk through a neighborhood near work. It has strong darks and the bright lights of a North Texas Fall. Using brushes and palette knife, I carved out texture and color. It was a joy to create.

This is available for purchase. Sheri.Jones75

THank you for viewing my art.

Flying Saucers

Flying Saucers

8x10 oil on linen

The saucer magnolia trees are one of the first bright spots of color in the waning days of winter. It’s also known as a tulip tree. You can sight the blooms in early February thru April. This was spotted at the Ft. Worth Botanical Garden.

Available at http://www.SheriJonesArt.comSheri@SheriJonesart.com Sheri.Jones75 you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Egret Fishing

Egret Fishing

12x9 oil on linen

Seeing a great white egret is a sign of good luck, and good things to come They represent innocence, beauty and grace. They appear independent, calm, and graceful. They show observation standing immobile or wading through wetlands to capture fish with a deadly jab! This heron was sighted at the Ft. Worth Botanical garden.

Available at

Sheri@SheriJonesart.com Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.
