Posts in Garden painting
Winter Berries

Winter Berries

14×11 oil on canvas

We are experiencing an early spring and I was anxious to get out and paint. I met up with friends at the Lake Granbury Master Gardens on Friday. I didn’t expect to see any color and was surprised to find this Possumhaw Holly tree filled with warm reds and oranges. The sun was bright and cast wonderful shadows. It was the weather man’s pick day of the week. Mine too!

This is available for purchase at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Misty Morning

Misty Morning

11×14 oil on linen

I painted this at the Master Garden center in Granbury back in November. Rain was in the forecast and we actually called it off. My friend, Bonnie was already there, so I joined her. We found cover and enjoyed the gray morning. It really makes the colors pop!

This is available for purchase at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Garden Melody

Garden Melody

12x9 oil on canvas

I painted with a group of artist at Chandor Gardens in Weatherford recently. The temperatures were cooler and we were so happy to take advantage of this. Painting outside in July in Texas is often a challenge. The waterfalls created and nice sound effect and was so soothing to paint by.

This is available for purchase

Sheri@SheriJonesart.com Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. If there is a painting that speaks to you, please let me know how I can assist you. I love to create custom pieces and accept commission work.


Bridal Cottage

Bridal Cottage

9x12 oil on canvas

This small cottage is on the grounds of Chandor Gardens in Weatherford. Filtered light peaking thru the trees highlighted these small cottages. The flower gardens led my eye to the bridal cottage that is tucked away in a quiet spot. I know this must be a beautiful location for a wedding.

This is available for purchase Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. If there is a painting that speaks to you, please let me know how I can assist you.


Gold Impressions

Gold Impressions

14x11 oil on linen

This is the 2nd painting I worked on when visiting the Ennis area. We were fortunate find sunflowers, even if they were the smaller ones. I turned my easel around and found a new view. Plein air painting in a field of sunflowers makes my heart sing.

You may wonder how I can do two paintings in one setting. I come prepared with paints premixed and ready to go. I usually tone my canvas with a warm color. I use a palette knife to spread the paint around quickly. The design and paint goes on in a spontaneous approach. I don’t get too fussy with details and I work fast. This is what make plein air painting an exciting process.

This is available for purchase at

Sheri@SheriJonesart.com Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. If there is a painting that speaks to you, please let me know.


Sunlit Reflections

Sunlit Reflections

12x12 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

I continue to be inspired with the koi fish and reflections created in the water when the sun is out. Inspired from painting on location at Chandor Gardens and taking the time to study their shape and movements is so beneficial. Working in the studio gives me the chance to explore the color and shapes.

This is available for purchase at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Hidden Garden

Hidden Garden

11x14 oil on linen
I had the wonderful opportunity to paint during the Historic Ft Worth Hidden Garden Tour in Ft. Worth. The weather was picture perfect and the home was fabulous! This painting sold . To see other paintings available.
Http:// Sheri.Jones75
Thank you for your interest in my art. Let me know if I can assist you.

Vibrant Strokes

Vibrant Strokes

14x11 oil on canvas

I created this at Lake Granbury Master Gardens while the poppies and Iris’s were is full bloom. The colors were vibrant and eye catching.

I am painting today at Hidden Gardens of Fort Worth Tour! Explore five enchanting gardens in Bellaire and Overton neighborhoods.100% of proceeds from the Hidden Gardens of Fort Worth Tour benefit preservation programs at Historic Fort Worth, Inc.

For additional information, visit the event page or email or call 817.336.2344 x100

Available at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Garden Blue Entrance

Garden Blue Entrance

12x9 oil on canvas

This painting was created at Chandor Gardens in Weatherford. The morning was overcast and kinda dark in this location. The a green lantern light fixture illuminated the scene in a soft, warm glow. I enjoyed highlighting the contrast between the cool blue door and the warm tones of the flowers. The overall effect is one of a cozy, inviting entrance.

Available at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Sun Dappled Azalea

Sun Dappled Azaleas 16x20 oil on canvas

We attended a wedding in the Japanese Gardens in Ft. Worth. We arrived just as the sun was setting and casting a golden light on everything. This was in early March, so a lot of the spring bushes were in bloom. It was a magical walk through the gardens to join the wedding party. 

This painting is available for purchase.

Valentine flowers that never fade.


Sheri@SheriJonesart Sheri.Jones75


Flying Saucers

Flying Saucers

8x10 oil on linen

The saucer magnolia trees are one of the first bright spots of color in the waning days of winter. It’s also known as a tulip tree. You can sight the blooms in early February thru April. This was spotted at the Ft. Worth Botanical Garden.

Available at http://www.SheriJonesArt.comSheri@SheriJonesart.com Sheri.Jones75 you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Egret Fishing

Egret Fishing

12x9 oil on linen

Seeing a great white egret is a sign of good luck, and good things to come They represent innocence, beauty and grace. They appear independent, calm, and graceful. They show observation standing immobile or wading through wetlands to capture fish with a deadly jab! This heron was sighted at the Ft. Worth Botanical garden.

Available at

Sheri@SheriJonesart.com Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Show Offs

Show Offs

11x14 oil on linen

I ran across this scene in my neighborhood. Everyday life and personal encounters can trigger my artistic inspirations. The crepe myrtle trees are a popular choice in southern landscaping because of their long term profusion of color. They seemed to glow in the morning sun and begged me to show them off.

Website: Sheri Jones Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art.

Please let me know how I can assist you.


Pops of Color Garden

Pops of Color Garden

20x16 oil on linen

This painting was inspired from the Master’s Garden in Granbury. I’ve painted on location many times and took inspiration from my field studies. I start with the idea, but changed it up by adding a house in the distance. Spending time in the garden is good for your soul. Let “Pops of Color Garden” take you to a place of peace and joy.

This is available for purchase

Website: Sheri Jones

Sheri@SheriJonesart.com Sheri.Jones75

Row of Sunshine

Row of Sunshine

7x14 oil on canvas

This is the second painting I started of the sunflowers I discovered in downtown Granbury. It was such a fun morning meeting the neighbors surrounding the row of sunflowers. I never met the homeowner, but the neighbors spoke highly of him and his beautiful garden.

To purchase or see more Sheri.Jones75

Sally's Hollyhocks

Sally’s Hollyhocks

14x7 oil on canvas

I created this during the paint out in Waxahachie last week. We were on the search for colorful front yards. My friend and painting buddy, Niki Gulley spotted this garden. The more we drove around looking for inspiration the more we found. Sally, the homeowner came out to check our work out and was thrilled we were there painting. I love this town!

This painting is display at the Ellis County Art Association during the 16th Annual Paint Historic Waxahachie. The show will hang until the end of July. Art on the Square

113 W. Franklin Street, Waxahachie, Texas.

Located on the Historic town square.

To purchase or see more Sheri.Jones75

Color Impresssions

Color Impressions


I drove around looking for inspiration in Waxahachie. I spotted this display of potted plants. The bright textured pots and contrasting flowers caught my eye. I wanted to get the homeowners permission to paint their lovely display. I could hear music coming from the back yard and tracked down Jacob. He was up on a ladder preparing to paint the house. He was gracious and allowed me to set up in his front yard and paint away.

This painting is display at the Ellis County Art Association during the 16th Annual Paint Historic Waxahachie. Reception is May 19th and the show will hang until the end of July. They are located at 113 W. Franklin Street, Waxahachie, Texas. Located on the Historic town square.

To purchase or see more Sheri.Jones75

Rainbow, Texas

Rainbow, Texas

11x14 oil on linen

The wildflowers have been over the top this year. I was driving along on Hwy 67 when I saw flashes of the purples, yellows, blues and greens. I had to turn around to check this site out. The flowers covered the yards all along this road near the river. The blue painted structures added to the appeal. This in a small town called Rainbow. To purchase or see more Sheri.Jones75

Chasing Poppies

Chasing Poppies

7x5 Acrylic on canvas

I found myself chasing poppies recently. The master’s garden is Granbury is a my go to place to find them blooming in the spring time. They were few and far between there. I did find a front yard filled with poppies and other spring flowers. I was thrilled to find and have returned often to experience this rare site.

This is available for purchase. Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for viewing my art.

Follow the Light

Follow the Light

8x10 acrylic on canvas

This is part of a new series of still life paintings I am working on. This is to prepare me for a workshop I am giving with Lake Granbury Art Association. Friday, March17th 9:30 - 4:30. Focusing on the still life has opened my eyes to all the possibilities. There are only a couples spots open. To register for workshop:

To see more of my work: Http:// Sheri.Jones 75