Posts in impressionism painting
Winter Berries

Winter Berries

14×11 oil on canvas

We are experiencing an early spring and I was anxious to get out and paint. I met up with friends at the Lake Granbury Master Gardens on Friday. I didn’t expect to see any color and was surprised to find this Possumhaw Holly tree filled with warm reds and oranges. The sun was bright and cast wonderful shadows. It was the weather man’s pick day of the week. Mine too!

This is available for purchase at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


First Peak of Spring

First Peak of Spring

11x14 oil on linen

Capturing the warm morning light with early spring flowers inspired this painting. It reminds me of seeing the first peak of spring. The hope of warmer weather and bright color spreading the landscape is coming. May the spring spots of color grab your attention and give you hope for a bright days ahead.

This is available for purchase at Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.Sheri

Striking Autumn LIght

Striking Autumn Light

8x10 oil on linen

I am constantly on the lookout for interesting shapes and color. I study light and patterns the shadows makes. The image for this painting was filled the elements I like to include in painting. This was inspired from a walk through a neighborhood near work. It has strong darks and the bright lights of a North Texas Fall. Using brushes and palette knife, I carved out texture and color. It was a joy to create.

This is available for purchase. Sheri.Jones75

THank you for viewing my art.

Egret Fishing

Egret Fishing

12x9 oil on linen

Seeing a great white egret is a sign of good luck, and good things to come They represent innocence, beauty and grace. They appear independent, calm, and graceful. They show observation standing immobile or wading through wetlands to capture fish with a deadly jab! This heron was sighted at the Ft. Worth Botanical garden.

Available at

Sheri@SheriJonesart.com Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art. Please let me know how I can assist you.


Aspen Grove

Aspen Grove

30x24 oil on canvas

I’m happy to share this painting in a new show at Baron’s Creek Wine Lounge with The Eyes of Texas gallery. The Ho,Ho, Holiday Show is upstairs on the historic town square in Granbury, Texas. Stop by and check out some of my favorite Crazy Train wine. This show will hang until the end of February.

Website: Sheri Jones Sheri.Jones75

Thank you for your interest in my art.

Please let me know how I can assist you.


Zinnia's Posing

Zinnia’s Posing

5x7 Acrylic on canvas

They seemed the perfect model for my new series ”painting the still life” Adjusting to a semi different medium is a challenge. Finding the sweet spot, between realism and impressionism is my focus. This is available for purchase. Http://



River Time

River Time 8x10 oil on canvas

Yesterday morning I met fellow artist and friends for a joyful morning of painting. It was a bit overcast with a breeze. Perfect summer morning. This is on the Brazos river in Pecan Plantation.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Colorful Cactus

Colorful Cactus

14x11 oil on canvas

This was inspired from my quest to explore color combinations. This is also part of my "Flowers Gone Wild" series. Using the palette knife to carve out the cactus and blooming flowers was a fun exercise. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Spring Trail

Spring Trail

12x9 on ampersand board

The delightful painting was inspired from the banks of the Brazos river.  The wild flowers provided pops of color. 

Spending time in nature, painting, gathering ideas and observing are part of my process. I came home filled with ideas and created this.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Lily Garden Sunrise

Lily Garden Sunrise

20x20 oil on canvas

I created this from a couple of small studies I created at Clark Gardens in Weatherford, Texas. I did ramp up the colors and texture.  Combining the warms and cool colors together was a balancing act. 

To purchase http:\\ Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Autumn at Gunn Mountain

Autumn at Gunn Mountain

9x12 oil on linen panel

I created this after driving out to the Glen Rose area recently. Gunn Mountain in a small range of hills that surround the hunting resort at Rough Creek. It has big open areas that are beautiful to view. The natural grasses were glowing in the morning sun. 

I created a time lapse video of the start of this painting. To see the video of the check out my web site for the instagram link. 

Thank you for viewing my art.  

Sheri Jones



5x7 oil on canvas panel

Did you know I will accept a commission for a pet portrait? It may be a bit late for Christmas, but I can provide a gift card for one. It would make a special gift for someone you love.

Please email me for more information at 

Thank you for viewing my art.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Good Morning Fly Over

Good Morning Fly Over 11x14 oil on canvas panel

I recently visited Lake Texoma and took my kayak. I took it out in the early morning to take advantage of mild conditions. The heron birds were nesting all around and would take off as I approached the shore.  Its was a great time to disconnect and enjoy the scenery.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

View From the Point

View from the Point 8x10 on ampersand board

This is another plein air painting from my trip to Lake Texoma. Three sisters and a brother in law painted along with me.  They each choose their own subjects and enjoyed the pleasant weather and views. We created a beautiful memory of time spent with family. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Sunrise Special

Sunrise Special 8x6 oil on canvas panel

This is another painting inspired from the area behind the Master's Garden in Granbury.  I wanted to explore the design with warmer colors in the landscape. Part is what I observed and part of my imagination. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Spring Happy

Spring Happy 16x20 oil on canvas

The spring flowers around here are blooming and begging to be painted. It was a joy to be outside finding my happy. This was created using my palette knife and layers of colorful paint. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

The Blues Have It

The Blues Have It 20x16 on wood cradle board

I started this in the studio after painting the blue bonnets at  High Hope Ranch in Glen Rose.  We were thrilled to see the abundant amount of this favorite Texas flower.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Texas Spring Blues

This is my first painting for the Ellis County Art Association Plein air Event. This is a four week event. Artist will be painting the historic downtown and points of interest in the area around Waxahachie. This is currently at the Art gallery on the square in Waxahachie.  

To see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones