Under the Trees

Under the Trees

7x14 oil on canvas

I am participating in a plein air event in Waxahachie, Texas. With early sign up you can begin painting for the show during the month of April.The actual event is May 5 thru May 17th. I painted this at Mary’s in Waxahachie. She has a beautiful place filled with many painting opportunities. It’s alway a joy to hang our with other artist while there. It was cloudy on the day I painted this, which makes the blue bonnets pop with color. T

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http://www.facebook.com Sheri.Jones75

Sheri jones
Chasing Poppies

Chasing Poppies

7x5 Acrylic on canvas

I found myself chasing poppies recently. The master’s garden is Granbury is a my go to place to find them blooming in the spring time. They were few and far between there. I did find a front yard filled with poppies and other spring flowers. I was thrilled to find and have returned often to experience this rare site.

This is available for purchase.



http://www.facebook.com Sheri.Jones75


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Full of Phlox

Full of Phlox

20x16 oil on linen

This was inspired from the explosion of wild flowers this year. I was especially drawn to the colorful phlox. It is incredible to see these growing in the wild. The splashes of blue bonnets were a nice contrast.
To purchase or see more



http://www.facebook.com Sheri.Jones75


Wild Blue Yonder

Wild Blue Yonder

16x20 oil on linen

This painting was inspired from the Willow City Loop outside of Fredericksburg, Texas. The wild flowers are really popping right now and hard for me to resist. This is a robust year and you should get out and view them. Discover the wild blue yonder.
To purchase or see more



http://www.facebook.com Sheri.Jones75


Sheri jones
Blue Bonnet Trio

Blue Bonnet Trio

7x5 Acrylic on canvas

I had a great trip to the hill country and even had a chance to paint with my sisters. The first day it was raining and cloudy. We each did a small painting on the patio of our cabin and this is mine. It was a great way to end the day.

To purchase or see more



http://www.facebook.com Sheri.Jones75


Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Wild flower Magic

Wild Flower Magic 12x12 oil on canvas

This painting was inspired from the wild flowers sprinkling the landscape in the warm afternoon light.  Painting on location in the Marble Falls area was a joy. The fragrant smell of the bluebonnets are so sweet. I had dreams of painting this beautiful meadow. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com Thank you for viewing my art.

This is available for purchase.



http://www.facebook.com Sheri.Jones75


Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Texas Spring Thing

Texas Spring Thing

12x24 oil on canvas

This was inspired from the spring flowers that blanket the landscape in Texas. This is suppose to be a banner year so get out and enjoy nature’s beauty. This is available for purchase.



http://www.facebook.com Sheri.Jones75


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Wild About Flowers

Wild About Flowers

24x36 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

The wild flowers are starting to show their colors around here. There is nothing like seeing fields filled with spring flowers. i It is on currently on display at Baron’s Creek Wine Lounge on the Historic Square in Granbury.

This is available for purchase



http://www.facebook.com Sheri.Jones75


Sheri jones
Follow the Light

Follow the Light

8x10 acrylic on canvas

This is part of a new series of still life paintings I am working on. This is to prepare me for a workshop I am giving with Lake Granbury Art Association. Friday, March17th 9:30 - 4:30. Focusing on the still life has opened my eyes to all the possibilities. There are only a couples spots open. To register for workshop: lgaaworkshops@gmail.com

To see more of my work: Http://www.sherijonesart.com

http://www.facebook.com Sheri.Jones 75



Sweet and Sour

Sweet and Sour

6x6 Acrylic on canvas

When my mother in law was declining with Alzheimer’s, we all too our turn sitting with her. I set this up in the dining room and attempted to paint it during one of my shifts. I never finished that one, but wanted to revisit this set up. It reminded me of the sweet time I was able to spend with her. She was a blessing to our family.

This is available for purchase.





Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad

5x7 Acrylic on canvas

This is part of my series of still life paintings I am creating. I am painting from life and from photos. This is from both. I set up the fruit on one of my dinner plates with great lighting. After a couple of hours they were calling me to eat them. So I did and destroyed my set up.

This is available for purchase.





Zinnia's Posing

Zinnia’s Posing

5x7 Acrylic on canvas

They seemed the perfect model for my new series ”painting the still life” Adjusting to a semi different medium is a challenge. Finding the sweet spot, between realism and impressionism is my focus. This is available for purchase. Http://www.SheriJonesArt.com




Fit for Breakfast

Fit for Breakfast

5x7 Acrylic on canvas.

The new series I am working on is opening my eyes to all the possibilities around me. Grocery shopping is taking on a new quest to find what looks good enough to paint and then eat. I was surprised to find cherries available this time of the year.

This is available for purchase



Thank you for viewing my art journey.


Pansy Pose

Pansy Pose

5x7 Acrylic on Canvas

This small painting is part of a series of still life paintings. Setting a personal challenge for the new year has motivated me. If you can’t find me it’s because I’m in the studio.

This painting was inspired from my garden. The pot of pansies were the perfect model. They provided the pops of color I seek.

This is available for purchase



Thank you for interest in my art journey.

Sheri jones
Geranium Glow

Geranium Glow

7x5 Acrylic on canvas

This quick study is the start of a series of small acrylic paintings. This series will focus on still life subjects. I have signed up to teach a still life acrylic workshop at the Shanley House in Granbury in March.

New Year, new challenges.

This is available for purchase at http://www.SheriJonesArt.com

Email: Sheri@SheriJonesArt.com

Thank you for your interest in my art journey.

52 Chevy

52 Chevy



This is a painting I did after traveling to Big Bend County. I am featuring it today, because it has found a new home. We are currently re-modeling the kitchen and bartered this painting for the some of the paint work. Our great friend, Rickie spent days and days putting the perfect touch to the texture and color of our new space. Thank you



Wildflower Patch

Wildflower Patch

16x20 oil on linen

I was wandering around looking for a place to paint and found this beautiful field of wildflowers. This painting is inspired from studies I painted on location and photos. It was a great reminder of the beautiful day slinging paint around.

available at http://www.sherijonesart.com


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Sheri jones


36x48 Oil on canvas

A commission now in a collector’s home. It was based on Confetti Sunrise, one of my paintings I did for art show in Granbury It was warm based and they need a cooler version. I loved the opportunity to create it and fulfill the customer’s vision. Thank you Jacquie at Assemblage Contemporary Art Gallery for coordinating the process.

Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri jones