Posts in landscape
Valley View

Valley View

9x12 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

A sunset is one subject that grabs my attention. It gives me an opportunity to push color and texture.

The view is from my neighborhood and somewhere I have painted at often.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Brazos River View

Brazos River View

12x9 oil on linen panel

This was painted on the banks of the river in Pecan Plantation in Granbury. I met my artist friends and spent a spectacular morning on the banks of the river painting. The river is in constant motion and change.It always looks different every time I visit.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Sunshine Impressions

Sunshine Impressions

9x12 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

Being on the water in the early morning hours can be so inspiring. Taking a boat ride to watch the sun rise is a great way to start the day.

 The reflections from the rising sun caught my attention. This is filled with texture and color created using the palette knife.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

River Time

River Time 8x10 oil on canvas

Yesterday morning I met fellow artist and friends for a joyful morning of painting. It was a bit overcast with a breeze. Perfect summer morning. This is on the Brazos river in Pecan Plantation.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Contemporary Impressionistic Floral and Landscape Palette Knife Oil Painting by Sheri Jones

Facing the Sun 16x20 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

I was fortunate to paint at a field of giant sunflowers recently. I have been painting them in my dreams every since. I was looking for patterns, shapes and movement in this landscape. Using a palette to introduce texture and color in the sky is what I imagined.  

To purchase The Dutch Art Gallery Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Contemporary Impressionistic Floral and Landscape Palette Knife Oil Painting by Sheri Jones

A Field of Sunshine

16x20 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

I continue to explore the brilliant sunflower fields.  It has given me a chance to push shapes and color. I wanted to portray this in a softer color palette.  

"I dream of painting and then I paint my dreams."-Van Gogh

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Smile for Miles

Smile for Miles 11x14

Seeing fields of these happy sunflowers brings a smile to my face. A small group of artist joined me to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. The winds were strong with clouds moving quickly. The dust storm brought in a interesting light.  The sunflowers were still glowing for miles.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Sunflowers Forever

Sunflowers Forever

11x14 oil on Linen panel

I know Texas Ag plants sunflowers in the Ennis county area, but was not sure where.  They rotate the crops yearly. Thanks to a post from my friend, Happy I was able to find them. We found a quiet road with a shade tree surrounded by of large fields of them.  I was in heaven.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Spring Trail

Spring Trail

12x9 on ampersand board

The delightful painting was inspired from the banks of the Brazos river.  The wild flowers provided pops of color. 

Spending time in nature, painting, gathering ideas and observing are part of my process. I came home filled with ideas and created this.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

River Impressions

River Impressions

8x10 oil on canvas

I had another opportunity to paint on the Brazos river in Granbury.  The path way on the bank of the river first caught my attention. The wild thistle plants added the color I was looking for.  This was another chance to push color and design.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Along the Brazos River

Along the Brazos 8x10 oil on canvas

Painting on location in Granbury on the Brazos River.  This is actually in a "neighbor hood" with homes along this beautiful river.  I have friends that live here and love to get outside as much as I do.  I tried to keep my colors cool to reflect the cloudy day.  It was a challenge for me!

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

A Sky to Inspire

A Sky to Inspire 7x14 oil on canvas

The colors danced across the sky from this sunset on Lake Granbury.

The sky inspires me in many ways.  The sky suggest optimism, dreaming, peace and strength. Even during these times of isolation, I find joy in the changing skies. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Bright New Day

Bright New Day 10x8 oil on canvas

If you are an early riser you are lucky to see a colorful sunrise. I am always grateful to watch a new day unfold.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Hill Blues

Hill Blues 14x11 oil on canvas

I don't think I will ever tire of the wild flowers that bloom in the Spring time.  

Their soothing colors are good for my soul. Blue bonnet hills forever.  

Spring time is a time for hope and new beginnings. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Lake Side Show

Lake Side Show

7x14 oil on canvas

This beautiful sunset was inspired from an evening on Lake Granbury.   The changing light  of the moving sun always inspires me.  I hope this painting  inspires you with the bright and cherry colors. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Wild Flower Blues

Wild Flower Blues 14x11 oil on canvas

The blue bonnets are at their peak now. I may have to practice some social distancing on a ranch near by.  My plein air box is calling me.  

This is from a plein air session a few years ago at the ranch in Glen Rose. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Spring Buds

Spring Buds

24x18 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

Here's a blast of spring color to brighten your day.  It's a great time to be outside and enjoy the weather. The flowers are blooming, birds are singing and there seems to be a painting around every corner.   Take a walk and you will see. Spring is everywhere.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Like a Rainbow

Like A Rainbow 8x10 oil on canvas

Fields and Fields of wild flowers are the result of rains and storms. After every storm comes the rainbow. Stay strong because this storm will pass and the rainbow will emerge. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Behind Every Cloud

Behind Every Cloud

16x20 oil on canvas

This painting started as a demo for the Waxahachie Art Association. With all this down time I am finding unfinished paintings and working on them.  

Remember every cloud has a silver lining. You should not feel hopeless with the recent events.  Difficult times lead to better days.  Use this time to catch up on unfinished projects and enjoy the process. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Ready for Picking Pears

Ready for Picking Pears

14x11 oil on linen panelI saw this pear tree on our bike ride and stopped and took a few photos. 

When starting a new painting I like to warm up my canvas with a thin layer of cad red. If you look close you can see
 under painting showing thru.   

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones