Day Lily Dance

Day Lily Dance

16x12 oil on wood panel

I painted this as a demo at my show with Cheryl Lee Jones at Lake View Inn in Granbury. This show hangs until November 15th. Stop by and check out my oil paintings and Cheryl's great watercolors.

This painting was inspired from the Master Gardens in Granbury. They will have their annual Free annual "Romancing the Butterfly" festival on Saturday, October 2nd from1:30-4:00. I will be there painting and enjoying the festivities.

They are located at 1410 W. Pearl Street.

Sheri jones
Warm Hints

Warm Hints

16x20 oil on wood cradle board

I created this after doing a series of small studies exploring new color combinations. I love the warm tones against the cooler colors of the sky and creek water. This is filled with texture. It is based on a small creek in the town of Glen Rose, Texas.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones



10x8 oil on linen

This is the second portrait I completed for my cousin of his oldest grand daughter. She's is a reader and always has her focus on her next book. I just loved the light on this one. It was a joy to paint.

To see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones



10x8 oil on linen

I had the joy of painting this sweet girl for my first cousin. This is his grand daughter. It was fun challenge to find her spunky personality.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones


20 x16 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

I am so excited this painting was accepted in the Lake Granbury Art Association juried fall show. The reception is scheduled for Friday, September 10 at 7.

This portrait is part of a series of work I am creating of the kids in my family. I come from a large family so I have enough inspiration to keep me busy for a long time

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Isla and Dusty

Isla and Dusty

11x14 oil on linen panel

I am been doing a series of portraits inspired by family members. This is my great neice, Isla posing with her granddads pup, Dusty. I loved the photo when my brother in law posted it and couldn't wait to paint it. This painting was accepted in the Lake Granbury Art Association juried fall show. The reception is scheduled for Friday, September 10 at 7.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

It's in the Shadows

It's in the Shadows

14x11 oil on linen

I spied this house on my morning walk. It was the array of colors in the shadow that attracted me to paint this scene. I've studied this green house for years knowing there was a painting in there somewhere. The soft pink crape myrtles and roses are a nice contract to the soft greens.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Water Lily Garden

Water Lily Garden

30x24 oil on Canvas

A visit to Clark Gardens in Weatherford, Texas inspired this painting. I painted on location and still have not finished with all the painting ideas from that trip. It was a hot summer morning and the perfect place to set up my easel. I created a couple while there and use those as color studies. This was painted in the studio using brushes, palette knifes and layers and layers of colorful paint.

I just picked this painting up from Dutch Art Gallery and have listed it on sale, Please check out my website .

Original price was $1500.00 Sale price $800.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Fly Baby Fly

Fly Baby Fly

14x7 oil on canvas

Ocean breezes brings out the best in kite flying. This is my brother in law on the beach. He is a great Papa and was flying kites for the grands.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Koi Pond

Koi Pond

9x12 oil on linen panel

I met up with 5 artist friends at the Chandor Gardens in Weatherford. It was a joyful morning painting with friends. I let my blouse inspire the color of the water in my painting. There were reflections of the cloud indicating a soft blue. To keep algae down they paint the base of the pond black and dye the water.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Lost in Lillies

Lost in Lillies

14x11 oil on linen

I spotted these day lillies at the master garden center in Granbury. It is always a feast for the eyes. I love the bright red/orange of this flower. The distance row of trees was a nice contrast. There is also a large building in site that I choose to leave out! I love using my artist license.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

On the Sunny Side

On the Sunny Side

18x36 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

After visiting the gorgeous fields of sunflowers I was inspired to paint them in a larger format. I worked on an older painting that was in the portrait style. It was of large sunflowers and painted in my garden. Painted with a palette knife in many layers.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Early Birds

Early Birds

11x14 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

These fisherman were out early and taking advantage of the opportunity to catch the big one. In the old adage "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in the morning sailor's warning".

Jesus said, When in evening, ye say, it will be fair weather: For the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather today; for the sky is red and lowering. (Matthew XVI:2-3)

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Poppy Joy

Poppy Joy

11x14 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

This painting is a reminder of the joy I felt when we drove up on a field of wild poppies. This was created from observations, reference materials and my imagination! Painted on independence day honoring the red, white and blue.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Running Free

Running Free

24x18 oil on linen canvas

I was inspired to paint this after visiting the Acton Nature Trail with my sisters, and great nieces. Sara and Sadie are both 7 and felt free to run ahead of us. It was on a beautiful winter morning and they were happy to be outside and running free.
I use a limited palette of three colors and white.
Thalo Red Rose, Cadmium Yellow Light and Phthalo Blue.
I really enjoyed find grays in this vibrant mix of strong pigments.

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Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Sunny Delight

Sunny Delight

9x12 oil on cradle board

Every time I approach a field of sunflowers, my heart skips a beat. It is always a delightful experience. I met with friends to paint and take advantage of these blooming beauties. It was a wonderful morning with cooler temperatures that normal.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Red Hydrangeas in Bloom

Oak leaf Hydrangeas in Bloom

11x14 oil on Linen canvas
This was inspired from a visit to Clark Gardens in Weatherford, Texas. The red oak leaf hydrangeas were in full bloom seemed to go on forever.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Chasing Sunflowers

Chasing Sunflowers

11x14 oil on wood panel

Chasing Sunflowers was a plein air piece I started in a beautiful field of sunflowers.

We set up quickly and got to work. As soon as we started the owner showed up and asked us to leave. He did say we could finish, so we worked quickly. When I got home it looked like a hot mess. So I scraped the painting and started over! The landscape around this field was so beautiful. I was determined to make this one work.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones