Posts in impressionism painting
Color Driven Sunrise

Color Driven Sunrise 8x10 oil on wood panel

I created this as a study for a larger painting.  It was inspired from my views of the landscape between Granbury and Ft Worth. It is part of my color study series. I loved the colorful sky and cool landscape.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Cloud Dreams

Cloud Dreams 8x10 oil on canvas

Watching clouds from on a lazy summer day brings a sense of peace and comfort for me.  Do you take time to watch the clouds floating by? I remember as a child laying on the grass and finding animals and people in the clouds. 

I created this using a palette knife and layers of oil paint. 

These are filled with color and texture. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Yellow Spring Day

Yellow Spring Day 8x10 oil on canvas

This joyful scene is in one my favorite painting locations in Benbrook, Texas. The yellow flowers dominated the landscape in this scene. I wanted to highlight those, but couldn't resist pointing the road to the fabulous clouds.  See the progression shots I took while I painted it. This was created with a palette knife with the canvas toned in dioxide purple. 

To purchase or see more, Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Red Buds Blooming

Red Buds Blooming 10x8 oil on canvas

I continue my study of color in these small landscape paintings. Since it is time for the red bud trees to bloom I wanted to explore the color in the blooms. They look purple in the landscape, but when you get closer they take on a hot pick color. Or a mix of the two. I will keep practicing to produce that perfect combo.

I did post a video of the start of this painting. I continued to work on it and scraped most of the paint off and like this new look.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Texas Blues

Texas Blues 8x10 oil on canvas panel
This is the forth in my series of playing with color.  This is a combination of thalo blue and ultramarine blue. To me, blue is the color of peace, it increases calmness and creates beauty.  Spring is coming and I can't wait to search for these blooming beauties. 


To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Land of Dreams

Land of Dreams 8x10 oil on board

This is the third in my series of playing with color. I had fun coming up with this color combination and working with the texture created by the palette knife. 

 I dream of painting and then I paint the dreams.-Van Gogh

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Green Sky

Green Sky 8x10 oil on canvas

This is another small landscape in my new series of exploring new color combinations. I start by premixing the color combo's I have in mind.  These are fun impressionistic paintings. Just, playing with happy color. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Just Peachy

Just Peachy  8x10 oil on canvas

I've started a new series of small landscape paintings. I want to explore new color combinations. I start by premixing the color combo's I have in mind.  These are fun impressionistic paintings. Just, playing with happy color. 

Available at Dutch Art Gallery, Dallas, Texas Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Azalea's Design

Azalea's Design12x9 oil on canvas

This was inspired from a photo I took at the Ft. Worth Japanese Gardens. We were there for a wedding and had the opportunity to wander through the garden. The sun was setting casting a glow to the blooming bushes. It was a fun challenge to make sense of the flower bush. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Pink Blossoms

Pink Blossoms 18x14 oil on canvas
This saucer magnolia blooms are one of the first of the trees to show their color.  When I was close to the park I drove by often to check the blooming status on these trees. I would go back with my painting gear and paint them during my lunch hour.  I was happy to paint this one  in the studio and loved the opportunity to take my time and build this up with layers and texture.

 To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Gentle Morning Color

Gentle Morning Color 16x20 oil on canvas

I am working on a series of landscape and exploring new color combinations. I love to premix my grays and find complementary colors to compliment them.  I work until the colors on the palette are appealing to me.  After I have piles of paint to work from I begin. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Sunrise on Lake Granbury

Sunrise on Lake Granbury 11x14 gallery wrapped canvas

A gorgeous sunrise is a sign of a great day ahead. This is from the bridge near the marina on Lake Granbury. I love to paint the beautiful skies of the changing light and nature's color.  I posted two videos of the making of this sweet gem on Instagram. Check out the link on my website or find me on IG at Sherijonesart.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Valentine Red Poppies

Valentine Red Poppies 12x9 oil on canvas

There is something about February that brings out the red paint in me.  This poppy field was on view at the Wild flower seed farm in Fredericksburg.  I've seen these growing in the wild in the Texas Hill Country and it is an delight to see.  

This is available for purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

A Ray of Sunshine

A Ray of Sunshine 8x10 oil on canvas

I hope this small painting can bring a ray of sunshine to you. The splintered light  was an eye catcher. It was a fun challenge to create.

This is available for purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Sun Dappled Azaleas

Sun Dappled Azaleas 16x20 oil on canvas

We had a wedding to attend in the Japanese Gardens in Ft. Worth. We arrived just was the sun was setting and casting a golden light on everything. This was in early March, so a lot of the spring bushes were in bloom. It was a magical walk through the gardens to join the wedding party. 
Check out the time lapse videos (3) of the creation of Sun Dappled Azaleas on instagram. Sherijonesart.  There is a link to IG on my web site. 

Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Red Dress Day

Red Dress Day 7x14 oil on canvas

I've started a new series of these fun and whimsical dresses and thought today was a good day to show one of them. Today is Red Dress Day to support the American Heart Association. Do you have your red on? 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Peach Blossoms

Peach Blossoms 12x9 oil on wood panel

 This was inspired from painting on location with my friend, Jill. These wild peach blossoms are some of the first of the spring color. These were a bright light in the gray landscape.  I created this using a palette knife adding texture to these lovely blossoms. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Asters in the Meadow

Asters in the Meadow 16x20 oil on canvas

This painting all started at the Master's Garden in Granbury. I painted while the asters were in bloom and returned as often as I could to paint them.   I created this from a field study for a painting demo I did for the Weatherford Art Association. This was my practice piece.  I'll finish the demo soon and post it. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Sunny Life

Sunny Life 7x5 oil on canvas panel

I created this when the sun was warm and flowers were blooming. It was painted plein air and was a joy to create.  I am looking forward getting outside  to garden and paint.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Breaking Through the Blues Sky

Breaking Through The Blues 24x18 oil on canvas

This is a spot I drove by every morning on my journey to work. My timing was perfect for the bright morning color and sunrise. I created it using a palette knife. Check out the 3 short video on IG or FB. Sherijonesart.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones