Posts in impressionism painting
Autumn Hay 8x10

Autumn Hay 8x10 oil on canvas panel

This was created at the park at Lake Granbury. The neighboring fields were filled with color and the shapely hay bales.  Painting on location at the lake with my husband near by fishing was heaven. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

A Splash of Light 9x12

A Splash of Light 9x12 on on canvas panel-sold

I am still challenged to capture the brilliant colors of a fleeting sunset on canvas.  This beautiful sunset was on Lake Granbury on a warm fall evening.  A fine time to spend  on the water.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Drive to the Sun 11x14

Drive to the Sunny Side 11x14 oil on wood panel

This is the main road in my neighborhood. The morning sun was striking and certainly got my attention when I turned towards it.  I created it in the studio, building the color up layer by layer. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Fall Garden Color 8x10

Fall Garden Color 8x10 Oil on canvas

I created this at the Master's Garden in Granbury. It was a joyful day filled with brilliant color and butterflies everywhere.  This was painted in November and lucky for me the garden was full of color.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Aster and Company Garden 9x12

Aster and Company Garden 9x12 oil on canvas

I created this at the Master's Garden in Granbury.  This was during my last visit there and the weather was perfect. The Garden has proved to be a source of inspiration for me.  It's packed with plenty of color and good spot for a plein air painter.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Rosy Glow, 9x12

Rosy Glow 9x12 oil on canvas

This is an older painting that wasn't working for me. I was either going to destroy it or throw more paint at is. I choose to add more color and have fun with the warm colors. Outrageous color is my way of abstracting a landscape. 


To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Garden Gate 14x11

Garden Gate
14x11 oil on canvas panel
This was inspired from  a plein air outing with my friend, Joyce and my sister Patti.  We met at Chandor Gardens in Weatherford, Texas.  The gardens offer a quiet sanctuary and was a wonderful place to spend the day painting. 
It sold to a friend of mine. She bought it for her mother, who is a master gardner, and has at worked at Chandor Gardens. What a great present!

Thank you Victoria!
To see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Butterfly Magnet 9x12

Butterfly Magnet 9x12 oil on canvas panel

I created this after visiting the Master Garden in Granbury.  The butterflies were wild with this milkweed plant. They are fun to chase around the gardens, trying to capture a good picture.  

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Light Catchers 14x11

Light Catcher14x11 oil on canvas

I am so grateful for the warm weather we've had this weekend.  I enjoyed a little porch time and painted this on my patio.  I was struck by the brilliant light on this pot of plants and recorded this while the light was strong.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Morning Tree Light 16x12

Morning Tree Light 16x12 oil on linen panel

Painting on location always sparks my creative drive.  I was painting at the Master's garden in Granbury when I saw this.  The morning light was like a beacon and a painting waiting to happen.  I created this in the studio enjoying the memory.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Asters in the Garden 8x10

Asters in the Garden 8x10 oil on canvas

This was inspired from the Master's Garden in Granbury.  I choice this path to highlight the cool colors of the aster and roses. Spending time in this garden makes me happy. I find a painting everywhere I turn.  

 To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Granbury Bridge 12x9

Granbury Bridge 12x9 oil on linen panel

I was drawn to this bridge when scoping out a place to paint. The bridge was glowing in the morning light. This is behind the garden center and was a great place to set up.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Grapes in the Garden 11x14

Grapes in the Garden 11x14 oil on wood panel

Painted Plein Air at the Master Gardens in Granbury. My new favorite hang out. The plant is fading with the cooler temperatures, but the grapes were still on the vine.  The weather was picture perfect.

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Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Early Light 14x11

Early Light 14x11 oil on canvas panel

This landscape was inspired from an area along the bike path in Benbrook, Texas. The painting started from a photo, but soon took on it's on color scheme and design.  I like to use the photos as simply a suggestion and let it develop from there.     

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Sun Kissed Trees 14x11

Sun Kissed Trees 14x11 oil on canvas

The sun streaming through the trees with early morning light inspired this landscape painting.  We were out a boat ride at sunrise, enjoying the warm morning light. 

It's a great way to start the day. Feeling Inspired.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Gift of the Iris Garden 8x10

Gift of the Iris Garden 8x10 oil on canvas

The iris garden in the front yard of this small house and the rising sun caught my eye. The brilliant yellow of these lacy flowers were fun to capture on canvas.  This bright spot is located near downtown Fort Worth and is in an industrial section of the city.   

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Hollyhocks 18x14

Hollyhocks 18x14 oil on wood panel

I created this as a demo at Your Private Collection Art Gallery during the Harvest Moon Festival. It was a fun time and a chance to share my method.  I quickly sketched in the design and then using the palette knife I added one layer at a time.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Hot Pink Cactus 14x18

Hot Pink Cactus 14x18 oil on wood panel

This was inspired from a trip to Big Bend. The array of colors in the desert were surprising. The deep colors are intensified after long periods of no rain. They come in a rainbow of colors. Eye candy!

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Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones