River Bank

River Bank 9x12 oil on canvas panel

I have painted at the river recently. The clouds were heavy and I painted gray paintings.  I needed color, so I came home and painted this adding the sun and wildflowers.  The brighter colors have inspired a whole new series with me. Stay tuned...

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Prancing Primrose

Prancing Primrose

14x11 oil on canvas

The primrose flower is a glorified weed in the Texas landscape. When they appeared in my garden I was thrilled. Now they grow wild and make excellent models.

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Poppies and Dots

Poppies and Dots

14x11 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

I created this fun painting from the poppies growing in my garden. It's always a good day if I can paint in my own back yard.  I hope this brightens your day, like it did mine.

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Spring Models

Spring Models 11x14 oil on canvas

My garden is an explosion of color and provides the perfect models. I love to work in the garden and paint the fruits of my labor.  

Happy Monday!

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Along the Brazos River

Along the Brazos 8x10 oil on canvas

Painting on location in Granbury on the Brazos River.  This is actually in a "neighbor hood" with homes along this beautiful river.  I have friends that live here and love to get outside as much as I do.  I tried to keep my colors cool to reflect the cloudy day.  It was a challenge for me!

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Color Pops

Color Pops 11x14 oil on wood panel

Spring time brings out the best in my garden and that's where you will find me! Poppies, larkspur and primrose are the models for this sweet floral.  Painting in my garden is my happy place. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Dancing Queens

Dancing Queens 14x11oil on canvas panel

Our beautiful spring weather has brought the return of my glorious amaryllis flowers. They were the star of the garden with the bright red colors and large petals. They seemed to be dancing in the wind calling out to be painted.

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

A Sky to Inspire

A Sky to Inspire 7x14 oil on canvas

The colors danced across the sky from this sunset on Lake Granbury.

The sky inspires me in many ways.  The sky suggest optimism, dreaming, peace and strength. Even during these times of isolation, I find joy in the changing skies. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Bright New Day

Bright New Day 10x8 oil on canvas

If you are an early riser you are lucky to see a colorful sunrise. I am always grateful to watch a new day unfold.  

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Art Show at Dutch Art Gallery

Customer Service (214) 348-7350
Tues-Sat 9:30am to 5:00pm


In place of our annual themed Spring Show that has been moved to Fall, we invited our gallery artists to submit work 9X12 or smaller depicting their personal coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic for an online show.

We hope you enjoy the artwork and stories that accompany them. The artist whose individual piece gets the highest number of votes wins a $100 gift certificate for framing.

Support the artists and consider purchasing a piece for your wall.


We've been posting daily news, new work, studio videos and musings from all our artists on our Facebook Page and Instagram Feed. Make sure to join us for the latest from the gallery.

Visit our website to view all the wonderful art by our gallery artists and see our framing project examples. Also like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. We will continue to post wonderful art on social media during the coming weeks.



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Celebrating 54 years of providing custom framing tailored to fit your specific needs and showcasing original art from local to worldwide artists. Stop in to see monthly events and our two annual nat

Loving on Rosie

Loving on Rosie 10x8 oil on linen panel

Now, during these times of required stay-at-home guidelines and pent-up frustrations, I cherish my precious pet, Rosie who provides us with unconditional love and happiness.  Making the decision to bring home our Mini Aussie during this time was the best decision we could have made.  We were fortunate to adopt her at 10 weeks old in early February before the Covid-19 pandemic had set in. She is helping us get through the isolation period and will help us have good memories of this difficult time. 

This is Rosie enjoying a belly rug in the warm sunlight.

This will be part of an on-line show centered on the Covid 19 pandemic with Dutch Art Gallery.

see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Hill Blues

Hill Blues 14x11 oil on canvas

I don't think I will ever tire of the wild flowers that bloom in the Spring time.  

Their soothing colors are good for my soul. Blue bonnet hills forever.  

Spring time is a time for hope and new beginnings. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Lake Side Show

Lake Side Show

7x14 oil on canvas

This beautiful sunset was inspired from an evening on Lake Granbury.   The changing light  of the moving sun always inspires me.  I hope this painting  inspires you with the bright and cherry colors. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Spring Treasures

Spring Treasures

14x11 oil on canvas

Flowers from my garden are my spring treasures. They make excellent models.

Have a wonderful Easter!

He is Risen.

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Pops of Blue

Pops of Blue

20x16 oil on canvas

Pops of Blue was inspired from a visit to High Hope Sanctuary. This is a retreat property near Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. I aways look forward to the opportunity to visit during the wild flower display. It did not disappoint this year.

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
A Sign of Spring

A Sign of Spring

10x10 oil on canvas

This is a cropped version of an older painting. I saved my favorite parts of a larger painting to create smaller versions. I have spring fever and cleaning house. Some paintings may survive and some won't. What do you do with older paintings?

To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.
 Sheri Jones

Wild Flower Blues

Wild Flower Blues 14x11 oil on canvas

The blue bonnets are at their peak now. I may have to practice some social distancing on a ranch near by.  My plein air box is calling me.  

This is from a plein air session a few years ago at the ranch in Glen Rose. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Spring Buds

Spring Buds

24x18 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

Here's a blast of spring color to brighten your day.  It's a great time to be outside and enjoy the weather. The flowers are blooming, birds are singing and there seems to be a painting around every corner.   Take a walk and you will see. Spring is everywhere.

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Like a Rainbow

Like A Rainbow 8x10 oil on canvas

Fields and Fields of wild flowers are the result of rains and storms. After every storm comes the rainbow. Stay strong because this storm will pass and the rainbow will emerge. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Behind Every Cloud

Behind Every Cloud

16x20 oil on canvas

This painting started as a demo for the Waxahachie Art Association. With all this down time I am finding unfinished paintings and working on them.  

Remember every cloud has a silver lining. You should not feel hopeless with the recent events.  Difficult times lead to better days.  Use this time to catch up on unfinished projects and enjoy the process. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones