Spring Iris Garden

Spring Iris Garden 24x30 Oil on Canvas

I painted this after visiting the Ennis area during the paint out in Waxahachie.

I happened upon this iris garden on a small country road that was lined with beautiful spring flowers. I could resist stopping to check the iris garden out. She had a yard lined with these lacy beauties. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

The Blues Have It

The Blues Have It 20x16 on wood cradle board

I started this in the studio after painting the blue bonnets at  High Hope Ranch in Glen Rose.  We were thrilled to see the abundant amount of this favorite Texas flower.  

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Vintage Camper

Vintage Camper 8x10 oil on canvas

I painted this during the Ellis County Art Association annual paint out.  A group of vintage campers gathered at Getzendaner Park in Waxahachie. This was during the pre paint out in April.   I was happy to be among such a fun and positive group. 

This is on sale and display at Art on the Square in Waxahachie. The show and sale go thru Sunday, May 26th. Please get down there and see this amazing show. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

One Thousand One Main

One Thousand One Main 9x12 oil on canvas

I created this for the Ellis County Art Association Plein Air event. This is from Main Street in Waxahachie. The town is filled with beautiful old historic homes. This will be on sale at gallery at Art on the Square in Waxahachie thru May 26th.

To see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Zinna Garden

Zinnia Garden 12x9 oil on canvas board

On Sunday, May 19, I will have this painting on display for sale at the Hidden Garden Tour in Ft Worth. This is a fund raiser for the Historic Ft. Worth.  I will be on location at 2333 Winton Terrace, Ft Worth, Texas. 

The event is on Sunday 19, 2019. Tickets can be purchased 


To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Cone Flowers

Cone Flowers 12x9 oil on canvas board

I created this a couple years ago during the Ellis County Art Association paint out. This year's event starts  Friday, May 17th and runs through May 26th. Paintings will be on display at Art on the Square, Waxahachie, Texas.    

Available at Dutch Art Gallery, Dallas, Texas

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Sunny Flowers

Sunny Flowers 8x10 oil on canvas

I am looking forward to an upcoming event with the Hidden Garden Tour in Ft Worth. This is a fund raiser for the Historic Ft Worth.  I will be on location at one of the gardens painting. This painting will be on display for sale.

The event is on Sunday 19, 2019. Tickets can be purchased 


To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Tulip Explosion of Color

Tulip Explosion of Color 12x24 oil on wood panel

I continue to be inspired from my visit to the tulip farm at Poston's Garden in Waxahachie. I used my field study to mimic the color of the bright tulips. This is filled with texture and bright happy colors.

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Delphinium by Design

Delphinium by Design 12x9 oil on wood panel

This lovely painting was inspired from a planting of delphiniums at the Dallas Arboretum. I was there during Art Scape with Dutch Art Gallery. I had the opportunity to roam the gardens looking for future paintings. I created this using a palette knife building up color and texture. 

Available at Dutch Art Gallery, Dallas, Texas http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Sea Spray

Sea Spray 22x28 oil on canvas Sold

I received an interesting request to repaint a beach scene for a friend and collector. After visiting the beach recently, I was inspired by the atmosphere and soft colors.  

My color choices and texture are certainly different with the new piece.  

Check out my gallery at http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Beach Stroll

Beach Stroll 11x14 oil on canvas

I had a new commission of a beach scene and was hesitate to start. I needed to be there and fill the ocean air before I begin.  It worked, I was fortunate to visit the beach with 4 sisters, 3 nieces and 1 great niece to celebrate my and my twins birthday. It was fantastic to watch the sun rise and spend time with my family while there. Love

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Red Hot Blue

Red Hot Blue 9x12 oil on canvas

This is my second painting for the Ellis County Art Association Plein air Event. This is a four week event. Artist will be painting the historic downtown and points of interest in the area around Waxahachie. This is currently at the Art gallery on the square in Waxahachie.  

To see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art.
Sheri Jones

Kaleidoscope Bike Abstracted

Kaleidscope Bike Abstracted 24x36


Juried Show


Saturday, May 18th

11am-6pm | Award Presentation at 2pm

Unconventional, novel and inventive are words that come to mind when we hear the phrase “think outside the box”. We invited artists to push their boundaries and break away from the expected and mundane. Now we invite you to view the result.

Please join us for a special reception on May 18th from 11am-6pm. Awards presentation at 2pm.

First 25 patrons for the show receive a special Goodie Bag that contains a miniature original art piece by one of the show artists.LOCATION:

Dutch Art Gallery

10233 Northwest Hwy #420

Dallas, TX 75238

Open Tuesday–Saturday 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM


To see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Texas Spring Blues

This is my first painting for the Ellis County Art Association Plein air Event. This is a four week event. Artist will be painting the historic downtown and points of interest in the area around Waxahachie. This is currently at the Art gallery on the square in Waxahachie.  

To see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Tulip Flower Festival

Tulip Flower Festival 20x16 oil on canvas

I created this after visiting a tulip farm in Waxahachie, Texas.   This area is rich with painting opportunities.  So, I signed up to participate in Ellis County Art Association Plein air Event. This is a four week event. Artist will be painting the historic downtown and points of interest in the area around Waxahachie.

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Spring Garden Blooms

Spring Garden Blooms 12x9 oil on canvas

I took advantage of my blooming flowers from the garden. Painting in garden listening to the birds sing is a peaceful place to spend the day.  This is my happy place. 

Dutch Art Gallery will be at ArtScape, Dallas Arboretum, DeGolyer House,

Showing Selected Artist work:

 Katherine Martinez, Sheri Jones, Kay Wyne, Kyle Wood, Layne Johnson and Rebecca Zook.

I plan to be there Saturday, April 27th-9 am- 5:pm. Stop by and check out the beautiful flowers and artwork. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

FlowerSheri jonesflowers
Yellow Spring Day

Yellow Spring Day 8x10 oil on canvas

See this painting at ArtScape, Dallas Arboretum, DeGolyer House,

Dutch Art Gallery is 

Showing Selected Artist work:

 Katherine Martinez, Sheri Jones, Kay Wyne, Kyle Wood, Layne Johnson and Rebecca Zook.

I plan to be there  Saturday, April 27th-9 am- 5:pm. Stop by and check out the beautiful artwork. 

Sheri jones
Nature's Wild Garden

Nature's Wild Garden 11x14 oil on canvas

See this painting at ArtScape, Dallas Arboretum, DeGolyer House,

Dutch Art Gallery is 

Showing Selected Artist work:

 Katherine Martinez, Sheri Jones, Kay Wyne, Kyle Wood, Layne Johnson and Rebecca Zook.

I plan to be there  Saturday, April 27th-9 am- 5:pm. Stop by and check out the beautiful artwork. 

Available at Dutch Art Gallery, Dallas, Texas http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Ruby Lilies

Ruby Lilies 20x16 oil on canvas

These ruby lilies really warmed my heart and made me want to paint them. I set the flowers out in the bright sun to create deep shadows.. The shadow they cast was as alluring as the flowers. Spring flowers make me happy! 
Dutch Art Gallery will be at ArtScape, Dallas Arboretum, DeGolyer House,

Showing Selected Artist work:

 Katherine Martinez, Sheri Jones, Kay Wyne, Kyle Wood, Layne Johnson and Rebecca Zook.

I plan to be there  Saturday, April 27th-9 am- 5:pm. Stop by and check out the beautiful flowers and artwork. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Like Ice Cream

Like Ice Cream  7x14 oil on canvas

I painted this from a photo my husband, BJ took in Roussillion, France. This pup was living the the life. I have been doing a series of dog paintings and would love to paint your fur baby. They also make great gifts. 

To purchase or see more http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com. Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Sheri jones