Painted Blues

Painted Blues 10x8 oil on canvas

I created this after painting the fields of blue bonnets at High Hope Ranch in Glen Rose. It was an amazing day with views in every direction.  This was a very good year for the wildflowers in the area.   

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Creek Bound 13

Creek Bound 13 8x10 oil on canvas panel

Working in a series of the same landscape has been a great way to explore new color combinations.

I wanted to suggest first morning's light with this painting. 

Capturing the golden light and adding texture makes this one of my favorites.

Do you have a favorite in this series? 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Creek Bound 12

Creek Bound 12 8x10 oil on canvas panel

I can't believe I have painted the same scene 12 times! So far that is.  I am still enjoying the process. It has been a great opportunity to explore the design and color  of this landscape.  I like the balance of cool and warm colors.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Spring Morning Light

Spring Morning Light 8x10 oil on canvas

Watching the day unfold in a colorful display like this is a joy to witness. The warm light cast a glow on the spring flowers and landscape.   It is even more joyful to try to capture on canvas. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Creek Bound 11

Creek Bound 11

8x10 oil on canvas panel

This is part of a new series of small paintings using the same source of inspiration.

I am exploring different color combos and design. Hopefully leading to new discoveries. The soft greens and pinks are the highlights of this new landscape painting. Still having fun with this series.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Creek Bound 9

Creek Bound 9

8x10 oil on canvas panel

This is part of a new series of small paintings using the same source of inspiration.

I really like the high key greens against the bluish grays of the of the bushes and trees.

These are really subdued colors for me. I like discovering new color mixes.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Creek Bound 8

Creek Bound 8 8x10 oil on canvas panel

This is another in my series of exploring color. I use the same landscape and try to stick to a simple color scheme. I love the blues and turquoise against the warm yellows.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Creek Bound 7

Creek Bound 7

10x8 oil on canvas panel

This is my demo painting on the first day at my Pop up Show at Pottery Barn. This is another in my series of exploring color. I use the same landscape and try to stick to a simpler color scheme.This color scheme was influenced with the bedding and textures in the store.

Part of the proceeds go to St Jude Cancer Research for children.

Thank you to everyone that came out to see me! 

To purchase http:\\ Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Blue Bloomers

Blue Bloomers
10x8 oil on canvas panel

I have this painting at my Pop up Show at Pottery Barn, thru Sunday, August 11, 2019. Part of the proceeds go to St Jude Cancer Research for children. 
Come see this original painting along with other and floral and landscape paintings. I also have jewelry I have created using handmade glass beads.
I will do a painting demo each day. So come out to see the process and these colorful jewels.
Pottery Barn 
1612 S. University Dr.
Ft Worth, TX 76107
To purchase http:\\ Thank you for viewing my art.
 Sheri Jones

First Blast of Light

First Blast of Light

5x7 Oil on canvas

I created this small painting for my Pop up Show at Pottery Barn, August 5 thru August 11.

Come see this original blast of color along with other sunrise and landscape paintings.

I will do a painting demo each day. So come out to see the process and these colorful jewels.

Pottery Barn

1612 S. University Dr.

Ft Worth, TX 76107

To purchase http:\\ Thank you for viewing my art .

Sheri Jones

Show offs

Show Offs

7x5 oil on canvas

I created this small painting for my Pop up Show at Pottery Barn, August 5 thru August 11.

Come see this original painting along with other and floral and landscape paintings.

I will do a painting demo each day. So come out to see the process and see these colorful jewels.

Pottery Barn

1612 S. University Dr.

Ft Worth, TX 76107

To purchase http:\\ Thank you for viewing my art

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Creek Bound 6

Creek Bound 6 8x10

I am still working on the landscape series concentrating on the color theme. I premix the colors and try to stick with my original plan. The warm yellows are pleasing with the cool colors of the lavender, greens and blues.
To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.
Sheri Jones

Creek Bound 5

Creek Bound 5 8x10 oil on canvas panel

I continue my series of small paintings using the same source of inspiration.

I chose a warm, high key color palette with this one.  It is a fun challenge to focus on a limited color theme.
To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 
Sheri Jones

Zinnia Landing-Painting Give Away

Zinna Landing 6x6 oil

I am excited and honored to be the featured artist at Your Private Collection Art Gallery.

Saturday, July 27th.

I will do a painting demo from 1:00 pm -4:00 pm

Gallery Night Reception 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. Painting GIve Away tonight. Must be there to qualify.

106 N. Houston St.

Granbury, Texas

On the Historic Granbury Square

I just dropped off 11 new pieces for my show, so please stop by and check it out.

Your Private Collection Art Gallery.

Sheri Jones Art

Sheri jones
Creek Bound 4

Creek Bound 4

8x10 oil on wood panel

This is part of a new series of small paintings using the same source of inspiration.

I really like the high key greens against the blue green of the bushes and trees.

The warm violets added a nice balance.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Creek Bound 3

Creek Bound 3 8x10 oil on wood panel

This is part of a new series of small paintings using the same source of inspiration.

I am exploring different color combos and design. Hopefully leading to new discoveries. Pushing pink here!

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Creek Bound 2

Creek Bound 2 5x7 oil on canvas

I've started a new series of small paintings using the same source of inspiration.

This is a small creek in Glen Rose. I am exploring different color combos and design. Hopefully leading to new discoveries. It is fun to paint these with a different approach.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Creek Bound

Creek Bound 7x5 oil on canvas

I am really enjoying this series of small paintings. It has a fun time of exploring new techniques with color and design. I am creating small works of art to show at The Pottery Barn. I will be the featured artist the week of August 5th. Come out and see these original smalls.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Glorious Sunrise

Glorious Sunrise 5x7 oil on canvas

Witnessing a glorious sunrise is a treat. When I painted this I was drawn to the pleasing color combination. Love this color combo.  This is a view from the bridge on Lake Granbury. 

This is available for purchase
Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

On the Sunny Side

On the Sunny Side 5x7 oil on wood panel

I created this after visiting the Ft Worth Botanical Gardens. The Black-eyed Susans were the star of the garden. They were hugging the path and seemed to be 5 feet tall. I relived the memory of painting in this lovely garden.

Available at Dutch Art Gallery, Dallas, Texas Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones