Posts in Garden painting
Pollen Seeker -Bee, New Contemporary Paintings by Sheri Jones

Dutch Art Gallery Presents “Keepin it Real” show and sale. The reception is Saturday. November 9th 11 am-4 Awards at 2:00 pm

This is one of my paintings that was juried into this show. Please stop by and check out this amazing show and gallery. Dutch Art Gallery, 10233 E. Northwest Hwy, Dallas, Texas 75238

To see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

A Day at the Farm

A Day at the Farm

11x 14 oil on wood panel

I painted in Fredericksburg recently and had to stop at the Wild Seed Farm. We bought seeds and wondered around the gardens. We were delighted when we found fields of zinna's, cosmos and sunflowers. The butterflies and humming birds were fluttering everywhere. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Barons Creekside

Barons Creekside 11x14 oil on canvas

I created this during the Good Art Company Plein Air event in Fredericksburg this week. We stayed at Barons Creekside. The cabins are each very unique and developed with recycled windows, doors and furnishings.  The creek runs through the middle of the cabins and provided great views. . It was a joy to paint along the sounds of the flowing water and gentle breeze. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Dreamy Sunrise

Dreamy Sunrise 14x11 oil on canvas

This painting evolved from a couple of field studies from the master garden in Granbury. I stirred in a few twist and turns in the small creek leading the eye thru the scene. It was a fun exercise in letting go of the reality and going with a dreamy sunrise.

/ Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Summer Garden

Summer Garden 9x12 oil on wood panel

This is my second painting I did at the master's garden in Granbury.  The mornings are starting off cooler these days. So hopefully I will be able to get out more often. There is just nothing like painting on location. It was surprising to find so much in bloom.  

To purchase or see more  

Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

On the Sunny Side

On the Sunny Side 5x7 oil on wood panel

I created this after visiting the Ft Worth Botanical Gardens. The Black-eyed Susans were the star of the garden. They were hugging the path and seemed to be 5 feet tall. I relived the memory of painting in this lovely garden.

Available at Dutch Art Gallery, Dallas, Texas Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Garden Party

Garden Party 14x11 oil on canvas

I painted this in the studio after painting at the Botanical Gardens with my friend Doug Clark This garden was in full bloom displaying every color in the rainbow.  This was a great reminder of being outside surrounded by the blooming flower. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Garden Gifts

Garden Gifts 14x7

It is always a gift to be able to paint outside, especially when it is in my garden.

The hollyhocks and gladiolas were showing their color and calling me to paint them. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

She Shed

She Shed 9x12 oil on canvas

I created this at the Hidden Garden Tour in Ft Worth.  This wonderful one room shed was in the back yard of the home I painted at. She used it for a meeting space for her clients.  She also had a wonderful garden that surrounded it.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

One Thousand One Main

One Thousand One Main 9x12 oil on canvas

I created this for the Ellis County Art Association Plein Air event. This is from Main Street in Waxahachie. The town is filled with beautiful old historic homes. This will be on sale at gallery at Art on the Square in Waxahachie thru May 26th.

To see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Zinna Garden

Zinnia Garden 12x9 oil on canvas board

On Sunday, May 19, I will have this painting on display for sale at the Hidden Garden Tour in Ft Worth. This is a fund raiser for the Historic Ft. Worth.  I will be on location at 2333 Winton Terrace, Ft Worth, Texas. 

The event is on Sunday 19, 2019. Tickets can be purchased

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. Sheri Jones

Tulip Explosion of Color

Tulip Explosion of Color 12x24 oil on wood panel

I continue to be inspired from my visit to the tulip farm at Poston's Garden in Waxahachie. I used my field study to mimic the color of the bright tulips. This is filled with texture and bright happy colors.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Delphinium by Design

Delphinium by Design 12x9 oil on wood panel

This lovely painting was inspired from a planting of delphiniums at the Dallas Arboretum. I was there during Art Scape with Dutch Art Gallery. I had the opportunity to roam the gardens looking for future paintings. I created this using a palette knife building up color and texture. 

Available at Dutch Art Gallery, Dallas, Texas Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Tulip Flower Festival

Tulip Flower Festival 20x16 oil on canvas

I created this after visiting a tulip farm in Waxahachie, Texas.   This area is rich with painting opportunities.  So, I signed up to participate in Ellis County Art Association Plein air Event. This is a four week event. Artist will be painting the historic downtown and points of interest in the area around Waxahachie.

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Pink Blossoms

Pink Blossoms 18x14 oil on canvas
This saucer magnolia blooms are one of the first of the trees to show their color.  When I was close to the park I drove by often to check the blooming status on these trees. I would go back with my painting gear and paint them during my lunch hour.  I was happy to paint this one  in the studio and loved the opportunity to take my time and build this up with layers and texture.

 To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Asters in the Meadow

Asters in the Meadow 16x20 oil on canvas

This painting all started at the Master's Garden in Granbury. I painted while the asters were in bloom and returned as often as I could to paint them.   I created this from a field study for a painting demo I did for the Weatherford Art Association. This was my practice piece.  I'll finish the demo soon and post it. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones


Cactus Bouquet 12x16 oil on wood panel

I recorded a time lapse video of the start of this painting and posted it on IG. You can follow me there at SheriJonesArt.  I finished it up behind the scenes in the studio. It is a bit of a challenge to record the process, mistakes and all.  It is interesting to see the process, so check it out.  

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Redbird Holiday 12x12

Red Bird Holiday 12x12 oil on wooden cradle board

A cardinal is often a sign your loved one is around you. So if a redbird visits you, know it is a loved one reaching to say I love you.  This is what I think of when I see a red bird. 

Merry Christmas

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones

Hollyhock Impressions 14x11

Hollyhock Impressions 14x11 oil on wood panel

Hollyhocks are one of my all time garden favorites. I love the pops of pink and the sea of greens of these flowers. They provide great height to a flower garden. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

A Tulip Event 14x11

A Tulip Event 14x11 oil on canvas

Here's a little seasonal color to brighten your day.  This is filled with texture and  color, making these tulips pop.  These stunning beauties were from the Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens. 

To purchase or see more Thank you for viewing my art. 

Sheri Jones