A New Day Begins 7x14 oil on canvas

A New Day Begins 7x14 oil on canvas

 I am up early enough to see the sunrise on my journey to town.  I often take a detour or two in search of my next painting. This was on a drive through the park in Benbrook. I loved the warm grasses that lined the road.   

To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com 

Sheri@sherijonesart.com   http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com.

Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Bridge Garden - 9x12

Bridge Garden 9x12 oil on canvas-sold

I created this at the Botanical Gardens in Ft. Worth recently.  I don't have a lot of time, so this was a spontaneous reaction. The gardens are lovely now and I am glad I was able to stop by to paint.  I'm in and out in a flash! So fun.

To purchase http://www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.comhttp://www.sheriart.blogspot.com 

Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Purple Light Iris 6x4

Purple Light Iris 6x4 oil on canvas panel


The Iris Garden at the Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens were in full bloom when I painted this. I was thrilled to see the full spectrum of colors here.  I met the volunteers that cared for the garden and they were happy to see how much I appreciated it.   

 http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Garden Along the Stream 9x12

Garden Along the Stream


Oil on canvas

I was thrilled to get out and paint at the Ft. Worth Botanical Garden recently. 

They have spent a lot of time and money developing a new section of the garden. It comes complete with stream and new pond.  The flowers are at their peak now and filled with color.   

To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Quince Design 12x16

Quince Design

12x16 oil on canvas

This blooming bush is one of the first burst of color in the spring time.  I spied these at the Botanical Gardens in Ft.  Worth. I painted on location and gathered reference photos for studio paintings.  I create my paintings in layers and the final is with the palette knife. I love to create drama with texture and color.  

To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com.Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Sunrise Poppy Garden 12x16

Sunrise Poppy Garden12x16 oil on canvas

What a gorgeous landscape! This one stopped me in my tracks. I made the husband do a u turn on this one. This was on our way to work and on a busy road.  The rising sun and beautiful flower garden were a show stopper. 

To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Sunrise in Style 24x36 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

Sunrise in Style

24x36 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

It changed in a drastic shades of orange, pink and blue.  I was amazed at the array of colors in this beautiful morning sky.  It was both a challenge and joy to create on canvas.  I started with a warm base and used the paint brush  to lay in the big shapes.  I quickly grabbed the palette knife and started building texture and warm colors.


To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.comhttp://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Garden of Golden Iris 20x16

Garden of Golden Iris

20x16 oil on canvas

I created this in the studio after visiting and painting at the Ft Worth Botanical Garden. It is a great place to paint small color studies.   These are one of my favorite flowers to paint. I created this using the palette knife and thick color paint.

Lynda's View 24x30

Lynda's View

24x30 oil on canvas

My friend Lynda lives on the lake and goes out every night to feed the ducks and to snap photos of the setting sun.  I couldn't resist painting this one. Love the dramatic design and colors of this one.

To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Color Garden 8x10 oil on canvas

Color Garden

8x10 oil on panel

I created this at the Ft Worth Botanical Gardens in Ft Worth.  I was thrilled to return here again while the iris garden was in full bloom. I met the volunteers that maintain the gardens.  They were proud of their garden and happy to see me painting the fruits of their labor.  I was so grateful for this  to paint in this wonderful garden.

To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Golden Iris 6x12

Golden Irish

12x6 oil on canvas

The Ft Worth Botanical Gardens maintain a hybrid iris garden and these are one of my favorites.  I will always try to capture their beauty on canvas, and it is always a challenge. Fun times. 

To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.comhttp://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

FlowerSheri jonesflowers
Iris Garden 11x14 Sold

I was happy to get out and paint during my lunch break this week.  The Ft Worth Botanical Gardens are close to work and I try to go by often. It's a great place to walk and get some fresh air.  When I saw this garden of color I came back 3 times to paint. It was a refreshing break from my hectic life.

To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com

 Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Morning's Soft Light 11x14-Sold

11x14 oil on canvas

This is inspired from one of my all time favorite painting locations in Benbrook, Texas.  The rising sun draped the clouds with warm colorful light and begged me to paint it.  I used the brush to lay in the colors and shapes and added texture using the palette knife.  

To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.

Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Golden Morning 12x16

12x16 oil on canvas

The park near Benbrook lake is my inspiration for this sunrise painting.  I drive through the park on my way to work and if I time it right I see the sun come up.  The golden hour where the sun cast bright colors everywhere. This was a joy to paint using the palette knife and all these warm colors. To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Sheri jones
Morning Glory 7x14 oil on canvas

7x14 oil on canvas

A sky this incredible must be a sign of a good day to come. Big open skies and vast landscape are good for my soul. I hope you fill the joy and appreciation I had just viewing it. 

To purchase http:\\www.sherijonesart.com Sheri@sherijonesart.com http://www.sheriart.blogspot.com Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Laura's Garden 20x16 oil on canvas

20x16 oil on canvas

Laura lives across the street from my in-laws in Granbury. While visiting them I noticed her irises blooming. I gathered reference photos and thought about painting this for several years. I'm glad I finally did. This was painted in the studio and painted with a palette knife and lots of colorful paint.


Johnson City Garden, 24x18 gallery wrapped canvas

Johnson City Garden

24x18 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

I participated in a paint out in Johnson City during their Lavendar festival.  We stayed in a charming bed and breakfast that had a beautiful garden filled with blooming flowers.  I painted a smaller version of this that sold. This was painted in the studio and painted with a palette knife and lots of colorful paint.





Blue Bonnet Trail 30x24

Blue Bonnet Trail 


30x24 oil on canvas
This was painted in the studio and inspired from a small plein air painting.  I met a group of artist at Fossil Rim in Glen Rose in the Spring. It was a good year for the blue bonnets and plein air painters. This was painted with a palette knife and lots of colorful paint.



Sheri jones
Pink Water Lilies 36x18

Pink Water Lilies

36x18 gallery wrapped canvas

This vibrant water garden grabbed my attention. I knew I wanted to explore the contrasting colors in the lily pads and flowers.  I used the palette knife building texture and color creating this soothing landscape.  

Sheri jones